Regen Suppliers offers the best PRP centrifuges and kits available today. This includes the PureSpin PRP system, which achieves a tremendous amount of platelet concentration and clinical grade PRP. A double spin PRP only takes 6 minutes!
- ReBella Centrifuge
The Best Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP) Centrifuge
In order to make quality PRP for your procedures, having a reliable centrifuge is paramount. Whether the PRP is for an aesthetics or musculoskeletal application, it is critical that proper separation occurs for the most pure concentration of platelets and growth factors.
- ReBella PRP Kits
ReBellaPRPTM kits are truly the most cost effective PRP tubes on the market today. The platelet rich plasma therapy system is not only super easy to use, but the platelet concentration is 12-13x that of baseline! The kits offer PRP and PPP in the 30ml and 60ml tubes and cost half that of competitors.